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如果你对网站的标签系统还不太熟悉,那么请注意,你只需要阅读页面上方“页面标记为 必读:”部分的 7 篇文章。页面下方的标签云则是站内所有标签的汇总表,不同的颜色和字号代表每个标签被使用的频率——可别把它们当成暗号哦。
另外,我们设置暗号的目的只是为了确保你有认真阅读过必读页面的所有内容。这 7 个页面里包含了你在加入后室中文社区后应当了解和遵守的重要事项,所以请花点时间通读它们,以便更好地维护站内的社区氛围和创作体验。如果你在看完所有必读页面以后仍然没有发现暗号,那么请你保持耐心,再逐行逐句地仔细找找看,没有那么难的!
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- 在你成功加入网站后,可以到新人报到区发帖报到。
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If you are reading this, you are likely a non-Chinese speaker from another Backrooms-related site. Welcome! We are pleased to have you as our guest. However, there's something you need to be aware of before joining. Please make sure you've read this page thoroughly before submitting an application.
As a guest, to join the site, you have to:
- be at least 17 years old;
- have posted at least 2 valid pages on another backrooms site;
- be able to communicate in English or Chinese.
If you believe you meet these requirements, you now need to familiarize yourself with some regulations of our site.
Site rules for guests
- No role-playing. The backrooms are not real. This is a collaborative fiction project.
- No insulting, no trolling, no harassment. Jokes are appreciated, but they should be made with respect for others. Any conflicts among site members will be addressed seriously. If you feel harassed, please reach out to the staff.
- Post in both English and Chinese if needed. The majority of our members does not speak languages other than Chinese. To make yourself understood and others less confused, you are discouraged to post any content purely in English. You can attach the translation (by machine) to your original English post. Post in both English and Chinese to help people understand!
- No posting non-Chinese or roughly translated pages. Cold-posting machine-translated or English pages is not okay. You may not post any pages that is not written in Chinese. You can only post comments the way mentioned in rule 3. If you violate this rule, your page will be immediately deleted and receive a warning.
- No replying admin’s post. If you see “职员帖” (meaning “staff’s post”) in the title of a post, do not reply. Otherwise, you will be given a warning. If you’re confused, especially when you are mentioned in the post, contact the staff.
- No controversial topics. This is a fiction project, so the main focus is writing. Discussions on sensitive topics such as gender, LGBT, and general politics is strongly discouraged, as it often results in discord. Participants engaging in controversial discussions will receive warnings or face potential bans, depending on the circumstances. It's essential to note our no-harassment policy which prohibits insults directed towards any marginalized groups, including LGBT individuals, various genders, religious communities, and others. We care about the minority groups. It is also a safeguard for all of us to ban such sensitive subjects.
- Think before you vote. As a member, you can upvote or downvote any page. It is reasonable to vote for translated pages whose original version was written in languages you understand. However, when assessing original Chinese articles, exercise caution. Machine-translated versions often diverge significantly from the original, so please refrain from basing judgments solely on translations. Such voters will receive a warning once confirmed.
Reminders, warnings, and bans.
Like other members, individuals who violate the rules will be subject to disciplinary action, including reminders, warnings, and bans.
- Reminders: If you're reminded by the staff, it indicates a minor violation of less strict rules. Take it as a gentle nudge to exercise more caution.
- Warnings: If you receive a warning, that means you have violate some serious rules. Warnings are recorded, and accumulating three or more will result in a temporary ban.
- Bans: Violating significant rules repeatedly or receiving enough warnings will lead to a ban. The duration depends on the severity of the situation.
Click here to write your application.