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} .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-habitable ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after, .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-宜居 ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after { content: "宜居聚居地" !important; } .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-habitable ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after, .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-宜居 ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after { content: "宜居聚居地" !important; } .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-habitable ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after, .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-宜居 ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after { content: "无有害生物" !important; } .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-habitable ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after, .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-宜居 ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after { content: "無有害生物" !important; } .lang-cn .top-box.class-pending .bottom-text:after, .lang-cn .top-box.class-等待分级 .bottom-text:after, .lang-cn .top-box.class-等待分級 .bottom-text:after { content: "参差不齐"!important; } .lang-tr .top-box.class-pending .bottom-text:after, .lang-tr .top-box.class-等待分级 .bottom-text:after, .lang-tr .top-box.class-等待分級 .bottom-text:after { content: "參差不齊" !important; 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} .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-deadzone ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after, .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-死区 ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after, .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-死區 ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after { content: "杂草丛生"!important; } .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-deadzone ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after, .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-死区 ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after, .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-死區 ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after { content: "雜草叢生"!important; } .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-deadzone ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after, .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-死区 ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after, .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-死區 ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after { content: "危险寄生生物"!important; } .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-deadzone ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after, .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-死区 ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after, .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-死區 ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after { content: "危險寄生生物"!important; } .lang-cn .top-box.class-0 .bottom-text:after { content: "荒草丛生"!important; } .lang-tr .top-box.class-0 .bottom-text:after { content: "荒草叢生"!important; } .lang-cn .top-box.class-1 .bottom-text:after { content: "空旷花园"!important; } .lang-tr .top-box.class-1 .bottom-text:after { content: "空曠花園"!important; } .lang-cn .top-box.class-2 .bottom-text:after { content: "普通花园"!important; } .lang-tr .top-box.class-2 .bottom-text:after { content: "普通花園"!important; } .lang-cn .top-box.class-3 .bottom-text:after { content: "茂密花园"!important; } .lang-tr .top-box.class-3 .bottom-text:after { content: "茂密花園"!important; } .lang-cn .top-box.class-4 .bottom-text:after { content: "繁盛花园"!important; } .lang-tr .top-box.class-4 .bottom-text:after { content: "繁盛花園"!important; } .lang-cn .top-box.class-5 .bottom-text:after { content: "修剪过度"!important; } .lang-tr .top-box.class-5 .bottom-text:after { content: "修建過度"!important; } .lang-cn .top-box.class-unknown .bottom-text:after, .lang-cn .top-box.class-未知 .bottom-text:after { content: "神秘花园"!important; } .lang-tr .top-box.class-unknown .bottom-text:after, .lang-tr .top-box.class-未知 .bottom-text:after { content: "神秘花園"!important; } .lang-cn .top-box.class-habitable .bottom-text:after, .lang-cn .top-box.class-宜居 .bottom-text:after { content: "美观花园"!important; } .lang-tr .top-box.class-habitable .bottom-text:after, .lang-tr .top-box.class-宜居 .bottom-text:after { content: "美觀花園"!important; } .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-n\/a ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after, .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-不适用 ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after { content: "不存在树木" !important; } .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-n\/a ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after, .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-不适用 ul li:nth-child(2)>.default:after { content: "不存在樹木" !important; } .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-n\/a ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after, .lang-cn .bottom-box.class-不适用 ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after { content: "不存在生物" !important; } .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-n\/a ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after, .lang-tr .bottom-box.class-不适用 ul li:nth-child(3)>.default:after { content: "不存在生物" !important; } .top-box.class-0 .bottom-text p { display: none !important; } .top-box.class-1 .bottom-text p { display: none !important; 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欢迎至此,我是only a tree,你可以叫我独树。
only a tree。
“不论身处何地,身份如何,我们都有一个共同的名字 ——人类。”
“Bull's eye!”
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大约在22年10月入站,当时的名字是"w tree",紧接着发表了一篇名为Object C-1167的神风文章8,在4小时内吃到十多个dv,随后被删除。
(另:我的常用名字是Kanie Ja在这篇的讨论区里给的,感谢卡妮佬)
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